Future Stock Analysis
A systematic mapping of 941 assets in the pipeline (in the development or planning stage), with details about individual schemes.
What is
Future Stock Analysis?
Awareness of future supply allows you to predict market competitiveness and saturation in the coming years. It helps assess how new developments impact investment prospects in a given city.
The future stock analysis is based on a regularly cultivated database which details assets currently in the pipeline – dedicated BONARD staff track projects in the planning stage as well as those under construction.

What are you
An interactive overview of assets in pipeline:
Do you need more
than a Future Stock Analysis?
A future stock analysis is usually complemented by other task-specific studies. During the assessment process, our customers also opt for following products:

Thanks to long-term industry experience, market knowledge and intelligence and professional and result-driven staff, we are more time- and cost-efficient than our clients could be.
Find out how we can help your business grow
If you are interested in learning more about how our future stock analysis can inform your actions or how it helped other clients, please fill out the contact form to get in touch.