Portfolio Analysis

A unique overview of 290 portfolios that exist within the Student Housing asset class. Gain access to market structure, leading brands and their individual assets. Essential intelligence for stakeholders considering large-scale expansion options.

Pan-European overview of existing portfolios 
key players.
Bespoke analysis 
based on brand-to-brand and asset-to-asset comparison

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What is
Portfolio Analysis?

The analysis covers the overview of the assets in the portfolio in general or in the selected markets, based on the specified indicators, incl. details on their ownership structure, JV, sizes, locations and territorial footprint within the UK and continental Europe.

Reports are customizable and can be further expanded into city- and asset-based intelligence. The data is intended for an instant glance into the market to gain an understanding of the main involved parties and their relations and intentions, as well as benchmarking with competitors.

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What are you

Macro- and micro-analysis of portfolios comes in the form of a report and interactive map covering:

All portfolios by brand  
name, location, bed capacity, product on offer and many more
Interactive listing of all assets
enabling for quick comparisons and analysis
own portfolio against selected competitors or by country 
Assets in pipeline
detailing assets scheduled for opening

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Do you need more
than a Portfolio Analysis?

Portfolio Analysis is usually prepared as a standalone comprehensive study analysing the current standing of a company’s portfolio in the market.

For a deeper understanding of individual locations, the analysis can be further enhanced with:

Thanks to long-term industry experience, market knowledge and intelligence and professional and result-driven staff, we are more time- and cost-efficient than our clients could be.


Find out how we can help your business grow

If you are interested in learning more about how our Portfolio Analysis helped particular clients, please fill out the contact form to get in touch. 

Independent & unbiased views
for more accurate and quicker decisions
Global coverage & consistent benchmark
of markets, portfolios and properties